
Happy New Year!! A time that we make resolutions to be healthier, more committed to relationships, more successful at our job. The list just goes on and on. But there is no greater resolution than to seek God and to allow Him to transform you, and there’s no better time than today to start.

Start by reading the Bible everyday. If you don’t have a Bible, get a Bible app and set it for daily reminders. Or set your alarm a little earlier each morning. Find a Bible study partner or group to hold you accountable and share about your transformation and what you’re learning. What better way to start your day than with scripture! According to an article in Psychology Today, it takes an average of 66 days for a new activity to become a habit. So we need all the reminders we can get!

The SOAP method is my personal favorite for Bible study. It helps me avoid the Reading Just to be Reading issue. To be honest, there are times I’ve read my Bible but then later in the day or week I had no idea what I had read. I learned nothing, felt no connection to God, and definitely was not seeking Him or transformed in any way. I think if you try this method, you’ll find it helps!

S is for SCRIPTURE – Pray over the Bible reading, then read it slowly allowing God to lead you to specific verses. Write down scriptures that capture your attention and focus your attention on that.

O is for OBSERVE – Record in your journal any thoughts or questions you have regarding the scripture.

A is for APPLY – Write down what God is saying to you. What is God’s personal message, instruction, encouragement, or correction? Take time to listen, and allow Him to get personal.

P is for PRAY – Write a personal prayer about what God has shown you. This will help you to stay focused. Again, be sure to listen. Prayer is a two way conversation. God may reveal more to you during this time if you give Him the chance.

I like to keep a journal just for my SOAP Bible Studies. I use two pages, side by side. Below is an example from my journal. No judgement please…I never expected to share haha!

Often I enjoy going back to read the insight from past studies. It amazes me the application that I’ve gleaned through this type of personal Bible study. Something I plan to start is including the date. Make it pretty if you like. Make it personal. Make it your New Year’s Resolution and allow God to transform you!

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