Time with God

photo credit: dryiconsIt is 7:00am on a typical Saturday morning and I haven’t seen my husband since we went to bed on Monday night.  He isn’t missing thankfully, but instead this is the current season of our life.  He leaves going to work before I get home from work, and I’m usually sleeping when he finally gets home in the middle of the night.  Our communication often consists of messages left on the refrigerator and brief phone calls.  The time we have together is limited, so Steve suggested that we schedule Saturday morning breakfast dates to give us a chance to reconnect each week.   That time is what keeps our relationship strong and keeps us close.  Quality time is important for any relationship.

In Mark 6, Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick.  They had been very busy doing as they were instructed and finally returned to report to Jesus all that had happened.   Then, because so many people were coming and going, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place.” So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place (Mark 6:31-32).   Jesus wanted time alone with the disciples away from all the distractions.

Life sometimes becomes so busy that I read my Bible less and less each week.  My relationship with God suffers, and I find myself growing farther and farther away from Him.   Sermons, Sunday School lessons, and occasional devotions are great but allow very little opportunity for God to speak directly to me.  It would be similar to the messages my husband and I leave on the refrigerator for each other.  I receive the message but miss out on the joy of speaking with him directly.  I can get God’s message at church, on the radio, and even through others.  But to keep that relationship strong, I have to commit to spending some personal time with Him.

We may be busy doing good things, even things that God has called us to do, but like the disciples we need to slow down long enough to meet with Jesus.  To do that, we must find that quiet place, a place free of distractions, where we can read His word and not only talk to Him, but also listen.  It may be necessary to create a specific time and place reserved for quality time with Him.  It doesn’t matter when or where, but make it a priority to get into the boat with Jesus and find that solitary place.  Don’t get so busy doing things for God that you forget to go to that quiet place and simply spend time alone with Him away from all the distractions and people.  Quality time reserved just to reconnect and strengthen your relationship with Him.

Do you feel as if God is moving farther and farther away?  Do you feel alone and unable to sense His presence in your daily life?  Maybe He is calling you to step into the boat with Him and go to that quiet place.

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Photo Credit: dryicon

9 thoughts on “Time with God

  1. Being on different schedules is really quite a pickle at times. I would tell you to hang in there, it gets better…but the reality is, it only gets better the more time you are able to just rest in the fact this is the current season of your life. And that God is with both of you as you go throughout your day. That’s the one key I held on to over the years the hubby and I worked different schedules. The same Lord that watches over your hubby is the same Lord who watches over you. Love how you shared your heart on this post. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment recently. Blessings to you. 🙂


    1. You are so right, Nicki. We learn to make the best of the moments we have. I also need to focus on making the most of every moment I can with God. Thanks for sharing!


  2. So right! After my twin babies came I was like, would things ever be the same again… ever? I wasn’t as connected to Him and His word as I would have wanted so little situations in life and parenting made me wobble a bit. Thank God I found what worked for me, late at night (around 2am) after their midnight feed. How else can we function if we don’t draw strength from our Source. Thanks for sharing. God bless you.


  3. My quiet time is often at night before I get ready to go to bed. My bedside table holds a concordance and several bibles so that if I don’t understand something I have no excuse to skip over it. Just reading isn’t enough for me, I had to take notes, study over what I’ve read then pray about it. I couldn’t agree with you more about how much further I feel from God when circumstances cause me to miss that time with God, but a friend told me once to stop seeking God upwards high in the sky, but to realize that He is as close to me as the air I breathe and that His Holy Spirit is within me. Since learning this lesson, I find myself being more centered and I realize when I feel God is far away that is just Satan trying to drive a wedge between us, that He is with me and within me. How much closer could he be? 🙂


    1. You have a wise friend and great bible studies. I really appreciate your input during sunday school! You have an insightful spirit, Mischelle!


  4. I couldn’t agree with you more about spending that quiet, quality time alone with God each day. For me, first thing in the morning works best, before I get involved in activities on the to-do list. Your breakfast dates and the quiet times we have with God have something important in common. They give opportunity for discovery about the one we’re with. Thank you, Tresa, for a very meaningful post!


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